Monday, June 27, 2022





NAME                                                   PRASANNA KUMAR MISHRA

BIRTH DATE                                        27TH OCTOBER 1951

ADDRESS                                             PLOT NO. 10, ANNAPURNA HOUSING COMPLEX, SHERTER CHHAK, TULSIPUR.                                                       CUTTACK - 753008    ODISHA

                                                                TEL NO. 0671-2363323, MOB:  9437026526 


Presently Working as                          Consultant Anaesthesia and Critical Care Ashwini Hospital, Cuttack

Educational Qualification

                                1, MBBS                 M K C G Medical College, BERHAMPUR, Odisha                            1975

                                2.  M D ( Anaesthesiology ) SCB Medical College, CUTTACK                                        1979

Fellowship :        Interventional Pain Management, Daradia Pain Institute, Kolkatta

Visiting Fellow:  Napean Institute of Critical Care , Sydney Australia


Work & experience

                1.             Resident Post Graduate SCB Medical College                                                1977- 1979

                2,             Lecturer/ Tutor  Anaesthesiology     VSs Medical College                           Sept 1981-  Jun1991

                3.             -  do -                                                      SCB Medical College                           Jun 1991- Jan 1997

                4.             Assst Prof Anaesthesiology,              MKCG Medical College                      Jan 1997-   Sept 1999

                5.                    - do -                                                SCB Medical College                          Sept 1999- Jun .2002

                6              Associate prof Anaesthesiology        SCB Medical College                          Jun 2002- Jun 2006

                7.             Professor of Anaesthgesiology          SCB Medical College                           Jun 2006-  Dec2009

                8.                 -do  -                                                   VSS Medical College                            Dec 2009 - Oct 2011

                9                   -  do -                                                 K I M S, Bhubaneswar                         July 2012 - Feb- 2015

                10            Prof Anaesthesiology                          Apollo Hospital, Bhubaneswar          Mar 2015- Mar 2019  

              11.          Consultant Anaesthesia and Critical Care , Ashwini Hospital

                                Accredited teacher IDCCM,IDCCN, Ashwini Hospital, Cuttack                    March 2019  cont

                12.         Prof & HOD Emergency Medicine , Ashwini Hospital, Cuttack                        2022........... Cont.


Specialised experience::

                                 Cardiac surgery ( Open Heart ), Interventional pain management , Critical care

Nature of Job

                a. Specialised patient care Anaesthesia in all kinds of surgery including Neuro surgery, Cardiac surgery under CPB, Thoracic surgery & Laparoscopic surgery

                b. General Teaching to Undergraduate and post graduate students

                c. Guide to post Graduate Students in thesis & research work  d. Examiner to Post graduate students in Anaesthesia to various Universities

                d. Teaching to students of IDCCM, IDCCN,  Em MEdicine



o    Member editorial Board  Ind J Anaesthesia  2009-2010 - 2 years

o    Peer Reviewer Ind J Critical Care Medicine: 10 article


                 Publications .. and presentations


1.             Respiratory embrassment and delay in recovery following General Anaesthesia in a patient of   Congenital Rubella syndrome - A Case report _ Ind J Anaesthsia  2001 ;45 ( 4 ):p-298

                2.             Letter to Editor: Anaesthesia for congenital Rubella Syndrome

                                                                Ind J Anaesthesia  2002; 46( 1) : 64

                                                                Ind J Anaesthesia  2002 46 ( 3 ) p-:226

                3,             Efficacies and Inefficiencies in Different Anaesthesia MAchine

                                                                Ind J Anaesthesia 2002  46 ( 5 )

4.             Letter to Editor : Accidental injection of Large doses of Neostigmine methyle sulphate      intrathecally:    Ind J Anaesthesia  2004   48 (1 )  p-64

                5.             Homonymus Hemianopia- A coincidene following short General Anaesthesia - A case report

                                                                Ind j Anaesthesia  2004   48 ( 3 ) p-228

                6.             Letter to Editor : Can N2O Cylinder be overe filled

                                                                Ind J Anaesthesia  2005  49 ( 5) p 437

                7.             Effect of Oral Gabapentine on post operative epidural Analgesia. Rath S. Mishra PK

                                                                Ind J of Pain 2009 ; 23 ( 2 ) 308-312

                8.             Letter to Editor:  Euthanesia an ethical risk,  Mishra PK

                                                                Ind J of Medical Ethics  Dec 2011 Vol 8 ( 4 )  261-262


        Burn from DC Defibrillator  a small price to pay- A case report  Pattanaik, NK , Mishra PKMishra PK


J Evolution of Med Dent Sci. 2016 ; 5(83) ;6226-6227


Pattnaik NK, Mishra PK. 7, DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2016/1406



                Atypical location of a Right Atrial Myxoma- A case report 


Intnl J of Med Res and Pharmaceutical Sci:  Vol 3, Issue12 Dec 2016 :p 1-6

ISSN : 2349-5340

Impact factor ( PIF):3.109


          11.              Deep vein thrombosis: Review and update. Review Article  ,  Pattnaik,N K, Mishra, PK ( 2016)  J. Evolution Med. Dent Sci.Vol 5;Issue 103   Dec26,2016:P7605

                                eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748

        12              INTUBE STUDY: An International Multi centre study:

 COLLABERATING AUTHOR, Dr Prasanna Mishra, Dr Sampat Dash., Ashwini Hospital, Cuttack. Published JAMA 2018                                                                Original Investigation | ,Intubation Practices and Adverse Peri-intubation Events in critically Ill Patients From 29 Countries

     13  A prospective observational study of prevalence, incidence, and prognostic implications

 of right-sided heart failure in acute respiratory distress syndrome patients. ( 2023 )

Sahu, C. Rao K. S. Mishra P. Panda R. Int J Res Med Sci. 2023 Dec;11(12):4324-4328

     14.    Supraclavicular brachial plexus block with and without dexamethasone as an adjuvan  t to local anesthetics- an observational study. ( 2023)

Sahu C, Rao KS, Mishra PK, Panda R. Student’s Journal of Health Research Africa, Vol 4 No.9( 2023)


                1.             AN UN USUAL FOREIGNBODY IN TRACHEA

                2.             LMA - WHATS NEW ? EAST ZONE CONFERENCE

                3.             DID I MAKE A MISTAKE ? Annual National Conf ISA, Bhubaneswar 2003



                5.             ACID BASE BALANCE; MANAGEMENT OF RESP ACIDOSIS, Annual Conf ISA Chennai


                                                Annual National conf ISA, Cochine


                8.             NEWER MODALITIES OF MANAGEMENT OF ACUTE PAIN .: Annual National Conf ISA

                                                                              Guwahati :2013


10            ANAESTHESIA FOR INFERTILITY TREATMENT: Annual Conf ISA Kolkatta-2017

                11.  .       ANALYSIS OF LIFE AFTER DEATH: NDE SYNDROME. Annual Conf ISA, AGRA 2018

                12            Prof S Parmanik Oration : East Zone Annual Conference PURI – 28 Sept 2016

                                “ PAINS AND PLEASURES IN ANAESTHESIA “


LIFE MEMBER   I M A , ( Indian Medical Association)


ISCCM ( Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine )

ISSP  ( Indian Society for  study of pain )

     Member Face Book group   GIVE   ( Global Anaesthesia            

My Blog posts:







Saturday, January 22, 2022

 Headache for Anaesthtists:

PDPH is sometimes severe and disabling, WHEN THE HEAD ACHE CONTINUES BEYOND nearly 2 weeks, it makes the heache for Anaesthetist as well.
The patient still blames the anaesthetist for her brain problem, May be she was right . Here is the analysis.
A 40 yr old Lady, ASA-I ,with no co morbidity was posted for Vaginal Hysterectomy under Spinal Anaesthesia. Her Hb,DC,TLC,Platalate,Urea Creatinine, Na, K were all in normal limit.
After an IV line established 500ml NS given Her BP was 134/88 HR 90/min SpO2 99% and a sitting spinal was done successsfully in a single attempt with a 25G needle when CSF was clear and normal pressure, Bupivivaine heavy 2.8 ml was adminstered, After positioning Blood pressure dropped to 92/66 and an Injection Ephedrine 5 mg 2 doses was given IV and the BP rose to 140/86. Rest of intra op was uneventful
She developed headache about 24 hrs later, which was positional and diagnosed as PDPH, She was reassured by Nursing staff that it happens sometimes after Spinal injection and will disappear in 2-3 days, along with Paracetamol 1gm BD ,advised to lie down more as it was positional. It improved in next 3-4 days and she was discharged.
About 5 days later at home she again she developed headache the intensity increased , It was disabling with disturbed sleep and other activity , there was more pain in nape of neck, and some rigidity. She was readmitted to the hospital which was exclusively an obst and Gyn Hospital. The Anaesthetist was consulted
O/E it was found she was in distress, had some fever for 3-4 days, The head ache was disabling and no more positional There was neck rigidity, TLC count 14000.A differential diagnosis of re appearnce of PDPH, Meningigm, Meningitis, SAH was suspected.
When she was asked for a repeat spinal puncture and CSF analysis for presence of blood and/or cell count, she vehemently refused. So she was referred to a nearby Neuro center for a CT scan which confirmed the diagnosis of SAH. ( PIC -1 ). The neuro surgeon further advised a CT angio which confirmed an Anneurism in MCA ( middle cerebral artery ) area, ( PIC-II) which was clipped next day and the patients head ache decreased and in 7 days she was back to normal.
ANALYSIS: Major Neurologic complecations following Spinal anaesthesia is not common, but headache,Septic and aseptic meningitis,Arachnoiditis, Myelitis, Chordaequina syndrome are known since long , reported as early as 1946 ( JAMA 1946 ;132 (12) 679-685)
Risk factor for PDPH: (1) younger age, (2) pregnancy, (3) use of largebore needle. Theory for PDPH is Bimodal, a) Low Spinal fluid volume b) relative vasodilation in response to stretching intracrannial anchoring structure.
General Anaesthesia is advocated in Anneurism with control of mean arterial pressure, airway protection and Oxygenation.
There are plenty of case reports of Anneurism rupture after Spinal Anaesthesia.
Anaesthetists from Basil, successfully manages a known case of Giant Aneurism with Epidural Anaesthesia with out any complication .
They have explained that the Aneurism is at danger of rupture if the differential pressure of ( Transmural aneurism pressure) ( MAP) – Intra cranial Preessure( ICP ) increase by either raise in MAP or fall in ICP after fall in CSF pressure that raises Intramural pressure.
So a fluctuation of BP resulting in high intramural pressure against a low intracrannial pressure following Spinal Anaesthesia and csf leak could have resulted the rupture of Annurysm.