A 16 year old boy was posted for removal of ureteric stone on his left side . A patient of ASA—I without any known problem. The stone was of small size was said to be close to ureteric opening to bladder.
The patient was given spinal anaesthesia in sitting position with a 25 G needle a dose of 2 ml ( 10 mg ) bupivicaine Heavy with the idea that the procedure will be over quickly.
The patient was positioned lithotomy and the surgeon proceeded after 10 mins of anaesthesia after sterilization draping the legs etc etc .
Some how the procedure was difficult . The ureteric orifice could not be located and identified. After what was thought to be ureteric orricie the instrument could not be negotiated . The surgeon was struggling there for more than 90 mins when he decided to remove the stone by oprn method.
The patient was repositioned .
While I was preparing the drugs for induction of anaesthesia and setting up the Laryngoscope tube etc, surgeon hurried applied betadine antiseptic and draping . Without any check put an incision slightly obliquely above the inguinal region for an extraperitonial approach.
Suddenly the patient gave a cry and moved all his body with a convulsive movement for anout 10—15 seconds. The drape the pulse oxymetre probe came off and the saline stand fell down. While we were looking at those things and fixing the ECG leads and probe etc the patient was found to be quite and unresponsive . The pulse in oxymetre probe was absent . When radial pulse was palpated , there was nopulse. Cardiac arrest has occurred. The assistant was asked to prepare an adrenaline injection diluted to 10 ml. Cardiac massage was started with a thump on his chest.
Simultaneously Obygen mask was applied to face and two breaths was delivered. With that the heart beat returned and radial pulae was felt. Afetr about another 10 seconds the respiratory activity returned when the patient was intubated with a small dose of Midazolam 2 mg . After observing the vital parameters for next 15 mins. Aditional doses of Ketamine 25 mg, Analgesic fortwin 15 mg was administered followed by muscle relaxant Nitrous oxide was added and the surgeon was asked to proceed .
The surgeon now proceeded more carefully and it was all over in another 45 mins.
The patient was reversed as usual and had a complete recovery without any neurologic problem