Anxiety and tension can be so worrisome for all.. There are no shortcut … here is a long story…..
The patient was a 40 year old lady House wife posted for Abominal/ Vaginal hysterectomy. Pre op evaluation by surgeon and Cardiologists cleared for surgery and Anaesthesia. All were said to be normal with mild well controlled HTN on drugs But The anaesthetist of that day did not see the pt. Patient was fasting. Opn scheduled at about 6PM. Pt had established IV line and 500 ml of NS infused in her cabin. Plan was Spinal anaesthesia
On the ot table pt connected to monitor ECG NIBP and Pulse oxymeter. The NIBP recorded was 225 / 160 , HR was around 120. A second and third reading was almost the same. All paramedics in OT asked the pt why she is in tension. Her answer was NO.
Though every one knew this could be anxiety and tension and injected with Midas 2 mg IV. After 3 min though slight reduction of Pulse and BP , at 5 mins it again shot up, The anaesthetist was reluctant to take up the case.
She was again sent to cardiologist for advise ,and he observed her BP and HR as normal. She was posted next day. This time the Anaesthetist was another one. ( We are 4 anaesthetist take up anaesthetist job on rotation)
Again on the OT table similar incident happened with high BP and tachy cardiac. Again after observing for 15 mins with sedation and assurance, it was far away normal . The second Junior Anesth was reluctant to take up the case.
Next day she was supposed to be discharged with another date fixed. Surgeon interacted with me about the case . I agreed to take up the challenge but wanted to see the patient ,
In her cabin room she was quiet. I asked her if she sees some ghosts in OT. She laughed. I talked to her for 20 mins anout family her likes and dislikes and life at home and society..I also told her my work in Foreign country, in Libya, Dubai and Australia.. I did not measure her BP but just checked the pulse and examined her chest for confidence building.
My days of Anaesthwas after 3 days and she agreed to stay back and not go home. I promised and assured her I will do something special . And on that day I will be with her from room to OT table. She and her husband almost touched my feet.
On the day of surgery I came to her room .Just took her hand and checked the pulse. It appeared to be OK.
On the OT table the BP recorded was 178/ 110 but I ignored. Made her sit up and did a dural puncture explaining each step of my action. From antiseptic painting to local anaesthetic infiltration. With a 25G needle and a single prick CSF was flowing . And 3 ml of Heavy Bupivicane was injected . Explained her what it will feel next. Also injected 3 mg of Midazolam.Covered her eyes and an Oxygen mask with 3 L flow.
The operation went on smoothly and miraculously her BP was maintained at
112/66 and HR of 86 through out the operation with minimal fluctuation like a magic.
In recovery room she asked me how was the operation. I replied her I did not see operation I was taking care of her Anaesthesia.
Later I learnt she wanted to see me , but I was preparing to leave for USA and couldn’t not see her.